
We have been studying multiple mobile robot systems since 1989. We consider intelligent systems as consisting of three factors: (a) multiple robots or intelligent machines (multiple agents), (b) human-beings who operate or cooperate with multiple agents, and (c) working environments. Now we deal with “Multi-agent system and robot system design“, “Human support robot system, human demonstration-based robot system, and manufacturing system design“, and “Human analysis and embodied-brain system science” based on motion planning methodology, evolutionary computation, control theory, and so on.

Our final target is to establish design methodology of multi-agent systems including artificial agents, humans and working environments through clarifying the underlying structure and function in the intelligence and mobility (mobiligence) of these agents.

Current research areas

Introduction [Japanese PDF] [English PDF] [Japanese YouTube] [English YouTube]

Multi-agent system and robot system design

Human support robot system, human demonstration-based robot system, and manufacturing system design

Human analysis and embodied-brain system science

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